Welcome to the Olympics Learning Circle
The Olympic Games is a major international event featuring summer and winter sports, in which thousands of athletes participate in a variety of competitions. The Olympic Games take place every 4 years and this year the Olympic Games are taking place in July in London.
This LC will concentrate around the Olympic Movement in different countries, history and modern approach to organizing Olympics, experience of countries that have already been in the role of the organizers of the Olympics, most popular national sports, traditional games, how sportsmen are prepared to participate in the Olympics, what people need to be successful in Olympics, what new sports have appeared in the Olympics during the past years.
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This Learning Circle will be facilitated by Charlotte Tervit. If you have any comments or suggestions, please send them to the Facilitator of this Learning Circle.
Charlotte Tervit,
Picture impression of participants in the English Learning Circles

English LC's
We invite you to visits the learning Circle wiki's:
Nature and the World around us - Images and Sounds of My Country - Digital Generation - My Dream - Olympics
Water is Life - World Literature - Olympics age 15-18 - 21 Century Learning - Environmental Sustainability - MDG's
Emerging Technologies - Youth in Action/ Volunteering - Cunina Eco Friendly Schools
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Please check out the COOL TOOLS link that has been added to the wiki SideBar. It has some fab ideas and links to help make your Answers and Summaries as fun and interesting as possible! It's really, well, Cool! :)
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